It’s becoming the norm now to find within a household there may be someone with either a dietary preference, intolerance or allergen. It is now law that big hospitality businesses have to provide information and mitigate allergen risks to their customers. Surly it’s only a matter of time before these legal requirements cascade down to smaller hospitality businesses?
So, why not use apps which respect and protects not only the customer but also you as the supplier, not least your customers will like the fact you make it easy for them to be respected and feel safe?
Panda EPOS has done all the hard work here to make it easy for your customers to be safe and have their wishes and preferences saved and ensure even unintended mistakes are not made. These settings are then saved with screen pop-ups in the event a selection is made outside the pre-set parameters. It’s easy for the customer to set their preferences/requirements and only has to be done once.
Then when an order is placed there’s no reason for risks or liabilities. If the customer selects options outside of their settings they get a polite popup, which has to be overridden before they can proceed. Example is if they are ordering for another family member or friend who has different wishes.